


maryann coaching larissa

"What MaryAnn coached me are something very basic to human nature which I usually don’t give much attention to it as I think I KNOW how to do and react. But actually I did not, or at least I did not combine it naturally with my other strengths and business acumen when handling issues and challenges that I face in my daily operation. Sometimes in the past, I thought I need to make it straightforward and focus on fact only, just ignored that the other parties are human beings. In fact, I realize that I can’t actually achieve what I expect without emotional connect and empathy, this is the key part that I get after MaryAnn’s coaching sessions."Daisy Yingu Yan, Director Global Service Support, Avaya, 2017

"I benefited from MaryAnn's coaching prowess as part of a female leadership program at BlackRock. She was recommended to me by a colleague for her ability to push and challenge my perspectives and thinking and she most definitely did not disappoint! A naturally warm and genuine person, MaryAnn was very quickly able to build rapport with me and created a very safe space within which I was able to discuss some of the challenges I was experiencing at that point in my career. She respectfully challenged my self-perception and offered practical tips and tools to re-frame my perspectives. Although I found some of our sessions quite challenging, I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and would highly recommend her as an executive coach who is committed to growing and developing her clients."Kristin Miller, Regional Human Resources Business Partner Investments, Risk, SPM, Finance, Strategy, China, Taiwan, Korea, 2017

"Partnering with MaryAnn has helped me tremendously during a critical time and transition, professionally and personally. She offered a safe environment to support me through this journey of self-awareness which always translated into practical actions. She introduced non-conventional approach of coaching that helped me to balance my ‘devotion’ to my career and acknowledge the importance of my health and personal development."Magali Delafose, Group VP – HR, Crown Worldwide Group, 2017


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"I heard MaryAnn speak as part of a TWF mindfulness workshop. As an entrepreneur, tension is a constant companion and sometimes I find it hard to keep an equilibrium. However, I have been implementing Mary Ann's exercises! And they work. They are really great for reducing stress and increasing energy. Mary Ann's lecture was a game changer!" – Belinda Poole, CoFounder at LocalMotion, Hong Kong, 2016

"During the eight-week course, MaryAnn covered topics ranging from understanding presence and dealing with change to energy management and emotional balance. The 15 staff who participated in the workshops reported a number of benefits afterwards including an enhanced ability to use time more efficiently, a sharper focus and a better ability to prioritise in addition to increased energy and reduced stress levels. Staff also commented on her clear delivery and the practical, actionable take-aways as well as MaryAnn’s warm touch. We were so impressed by MaryAnn that we invited her to run a half-day team-building workshop for the whole team of some 24 staff members. The workshop which focused on bridging cultural communication and leadership styles was terrific. From the team’s feedback and from my own observations, there is enhanced cohesion and a stronger sense of organisational purpose across the team. Based on our experiences, I can highly recommend MaryAnn as a coach who can effectively catalyse positive change within an organisation." – Su-Mei Thompson, CEO, The Women’s Foundation, 2016 July

"I feel so empowered and self-aware after recently participating in a workshop, moderated and run by MaryAnn, on Executive Presence that it has significantly improved my level and quality of interaction with my colleagues. This workshop was one of the best (in terms of interaction and effectiveness) that I have attended in my 17 yrs of professional career! Thanks MaryAnn!!" – Head of compliance for Asset Management firm, EP workshop 2016